(Pre-apprenticeship Program)
Also known as Horticultural Field Technicians or Greenhouse Technicians, Horticulture Technicians are a type of agricultural worker that work with plants to ensure they are healthy. They may work outdoor in fields of agricultural produce, or indoor in greenhouses or hydroponics. Their role may include plants for food produce, raw material, or simply for scientific research, assist horticulturalists and research scientists in the study of individual species or interspecies relationships within a specific ecology. They are not researchers but need to understand scientific concepts behind plant biology, botany, soil science and much more.
Their typical role is to record growth and nutrient levels, to remove weeds, promote pollination and to treat a plant if it show signs of illness or pest damage. They may work in biotechnology, biofuel, genetic modification, and in promoting good plant health in agriculture, allowing areas where certain crops are not native to grow in environments more suited to their ability to thrive. Some may have office-based roles such as recording observations or carrying out simple tests.
This is a diverse type of role requiring experience operating farm equipment and machinery although they are not necessarily considered farm workers.
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